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Big Datart Selected for eNTERFACE 2015

Our project BigDatArt was selected for eNTERFACE 2015 !!!

 what’s BigDatArt ?

With BigDatArt project, the player will be able to examine the links between the images and data. He will walk from a detail of an image to a full picture travelling  with other multimedia documents thanks to the unlimited resources of the Internet.



The eNTERFACE workshops aim at establishing a tradition of collaborative, localized research and development work by gathering, in a single place, a team of leading professionals in multimodal human-machine interfaces together with students (both graduate and undergraduate), to work on a prespecified list of challenges, for 4 complete weeks. In this respect, it is an innovative and intensive collaboration scheme, designed to allow researchers to integrate their software tools, deploy demonstrators, collect novel databases, and work side by side with a great number of experts. It brings together 80 researchers for a whole month, subsequently it is the largest workshop on multimodal interfaces.

The workshop is held on an anual basis and organized around several research projects dealing with multimodal human-machine interfaces design. It is thus radically different from traditional scientific workshops, in which only specialists meet for a few days to discuss state-of-the art problems, but do not really work together.

nouvelle publication

The second issue of EAI Transactions on Creative Technologies is now published online:
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies 15(2): e4

Research Article

CuriousMind photographer: distract the robot from its initial task

    Vincent Courboulay1,*, Matei Mancas2

    • 1: L3I, University of La Rochelle, Av Michel Crepeau, 17042 La Rochelle, France
    • 2: Numediart Institute, University of Mons (UMONS) 20, Place du Parc, 7000, Mons, Belgium
    *Contact email:


    Mainly present in industry, robots begin to invade our every-day lives for very precise tasks. In order to reach a level where more general robots get involved in our lives, the robots’ abilities to communicate and to react to unexpected situations must be improved. This paper introduces an attentive computational model for robots as attention can help both in reacting to unexpected situations and to help improving human-robot communication. We propose to enhance and implement an existing real time computational model. Intensity, color and orientation are usually used but we have added information related to depth and isolation. We have built a robotic system based on LEGO Mindstorm platform and the Kinect RGB-D sensor. This robot, called CuriousMind, is able to take a picture of the most interesting part of the scene and it can also be distracted from its first goal by novel situations mimicking in that way the human (and more precisely small children) behaviour.

    Parution de mon livre sur RawTherapee


    Développer ses négatifs numériques avec RawTherapee !

    • Installez RawTherapee sur Windows, OS X ou Linux
    • Découvrez les subtilités de la couleur, des espaces colorimétriques et le chemin de votre image du capteur au fichier RAW
    • Familiarisez-vous avec l’interface utilisateur et les profils de post-traitement
    • Réglez l’exposition de vos photographies en détail : hautes lumières, ombres bouchées, contraste local
    • Améliorez la température, la balance des blancs et la vibrance
    • Corrigez la netteté et le bruit
    • Transformez la ligne d’horizon et les perspectives
    • Recadrez et redimensionnez vos clichés
    • Automatisez le traitement avec les profils de traitement
    • Gérez les métadonnées (EXIF, IPTC)

    Un logiciel de développement de photos RAW libre, gratuit et multi-plates-formes !

    Les fichiers RAW, équivalents numériques des négatifs argentiques, renferment toutes les informations nécessaires à la sublimation d’une photographie de qualité. L’image n’est pas transformée, vous conservez toujours l’original et pouvez à tout moment revenir en arrière.

    RawTherapee est l’un des logiciels de développement numérique les plus performants. Très complet, truffé de réglages, il vous offrira tous les outils pour donner à vos fichiers bruts le contraste et les couleurs dont vous rêvez !

    A qui s’adresse cet ouvrage ?

    • Aux photographes amateurs et professionnels
    • Aux étudiants de l’image

    Les auteurs

    Vincent Courboulay est maître de conférences en informatique à l’université de La Rochelle et chercheur au L3i (Laboratoire Informatique, image et interaction). Ses travaux portent principalement sur le traitement d’images numérique.

    Professeur agrégé et docteur en mathématiques, Jean-François Viaud enseigne les mathématiques et l’informatique à l’université de La Rochelle. Amateur de photographie argentique puis numérique, il a créé l’atelier RawTherapee de son université.

    EAI Creative Technologies

    I’m now in the editorial board ofCreative Technologies EAI journal. We are waiting for your submission :o) !

    What is EAI ?

    EAI is a community of ICT innovators working together to make a better world. Find great ideas. Share your own. Be part of the Innovation revolution.

    Creative Technologies

    Two paper types:

    o Short papers: typically 5 (+/- 2) pages (brave new ideas, artistic installations with technological content, technical creative demonstrators).

    o Full papers: typically 9 (+/- 4) pages (tutorials and survey papers, whole industrial systems, creative installations and frameworks).




    Given the accelerated changes and deeply interconnected activities of the times we are living in, creativity is a key factor of disruptive future developments. Creative and entertainment industries nowadays represent more than 3% of the GDP in Europe and they range from creative content providers (TV & radio, fashion, music) through creative experience providers (movies and music experience) to creative services providers (advertising, design, architecture).

    Creative services, contents and experiences present knowledge requirements that are defined increasingly beyond a single discipline and appear to lie in a sound engagement among the creative practitioner (artist/designer/composer/entertainer), the engineer and the scientist. Digital arts, creative industries, and (tele)communication + (social) signal processing speak the language of convergence rather than autonomy. Their interaction calls for special attention now more than ever.
    EAI Transactions on Creative Technologies aims at creating a forge between computational arts, creative industries and applied science(s). The Journal seeks for high-level contributions addressing several of those aspects with a special focus on at least one of them:

    Creative Industries

    – the paper can describe a whole industrial project or framework integrating creative technologies for domains such as:

    • Creative content providers: TV & radio (broadcast, linked media), fashion (RFID and sensors, energy recycling), music & movies, books (digitization, sonification), museums (creative/artistic installations for tourism or cultural heritage) and media archives, etc.
    • Creative services providers: Advertising (user-centered web and ads optimization), design (communication devices for creative environments), architecture (places that adapt to people, creativity from domotics), new media and transmedia, etc.
    • Creative experience providers: Movies and music experience, game-based installations and playable media (participative creation, DJs and VJs creative tools), interactive social and urban spaces, etc.

    Scientific topics

    – the paper can focus on scientific tools for creative industries on topics such as:

    • Creative content management: Multimedia data mining and innovative browsing, data 2D/3D visualization, digitization and storage, cultural heritage, etc.
    • Creative interactions: Social signal processing, verbal and nonverbal, explicit or implicit interactions, interacting robots, sensors and MoCap, human-computer interaction, user interface design,  serious game etc.
    • Creative experiences: Affective content analysis and synthesis, immersive technologies, special effects, augmented reality, expressivity and emotion detection and processing, user experiences, etc.

    Additional materials such as videos of installations and setups, public/users reactions and comments, or demo links are welcome.

    HDR !!!

    Obtention de mon HDR le 6/10/2014.

    voir la page Publications pour plus d’infos

    TITRE : Recherche de l’information dans les images : de la saillance à la prégnance

    JURY :

    • Anne Guérin-Dugué Professeur Université J.Fourier de Grenoble, Rapporteur
    • Matthieu Cord Professeur, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Rapporteur
    • Antoine Tabbone Professeur, Université de Lorraine, Rapporteur
    • Jean Philippe Domenger Professeur, Université de Bordeaux
    • Christine Fernandez Maloigne Professeur, Université de Poitiers
    • Patrick Le Callet Professeur, Université de Nantes
    • Arnaud Revel Professeur, Université de La Rochelle