
    1. Courboulay, V., & Revel, A. (2017). Information : Theoretical Model for Saliency Prediction—Application to Attentive CBIR. In Visual Content Indexing and Retrieval with Psycho-Visual Models (p. 145–170).
    2. Awad, D., Courboulay, V., & Revel, A. (2016). Attentive Content-Based Image retrieval. In From Human Attention to Computational Attention (p. 379–398).
    3. Attentive Content-Based Image retrieval
      Dounia Awad, Vincent Courboulay, Arnaud Revel
      2016 – From Human Attention to Computational Attention
    4. Idrissi, H., Souidi, E. M., & Revel, A. (2015b). Security of mobile agent platforms using access control and cryptography. In Agent and Multi-Agent Systems : Technologies and Applications (p. 27–39).
    5. A. Revel and J. Nadel. Imitation and Social Learning in Robots, Humans and Animals : Beha- vioural, Social and Communicative Dimensions., chapter How to build an imitator ?, pages 279–300. Cambridge University Press., 2007.
    6. A. Revel and P. Gaussier. Biologically Inspired Robot Behavior., chapter Designing neural control architectures for an autonomous robot using vision to solve complex learning tasks., pages 299–350. Physica-Verlag. Springer-Verlag Company., 2003.
    7. P. Gaussier, M. Quoy, A. Revel, S. Lepretre, and J-.P. Banquet. Approche dynamique de la cognition artificielle, chapter Catégorisation dynamique : de l’apprentissage sensori-moteur à la re- connaisance de lieux. Hermes, Cachan, 2003.
    8. M. Quoy, P. Gaussier, S. Lepretre, A. Revel, C. Joulain, and J.P. Banquet. Lecture Notes in Artificial intelligence, volume 1812, chapter A planning map for mobile robots : speed control and paths finding in a changing environment, pages 103–119. Springer, 2000.
    9. P. Gaussier, S. Lepretre, M. Quoy, A. Revel, C. Joulain, and J.P. Banquet. Interdisciplinary approaches to robot learning, volume 24 of Robotics and Intelligent Systems, chapter Experiments and models about cognitive map learning for motivated navigation, pages 53–94. World Scientific, 2000.
    10. J.P. Banquet, P. Gaussier, J. C. Dreher, C. Joulain, A. Revel, and W. Günther. Cognitive Science Perspectives on Personality and Emotion, chapter Space-Time, Order, and Hierarchy in Fronto- Hippocampal System : A Neural Basis of Personality, pages 123–179. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 1997.


  1. Rojas-Castro, Dalia Marcela, Revel, A., & Menard, M. (2020). RHIZOME ARCHITECTURE : An Adaptive Neurobehavioral Control Architecture for Cognitive Mobile Robots—Application in a Vision-Based Indoor Robot Navigation Context. International Journal of Social Robotics.
  2. Guérin, C., Rigaud, C., Bertet, K., & Revel, A. (2017). An ontology-based framework for the automated analysis and interpretation of comic books’ images. In Information sciences (Vol. 378, p. 109–130).
  3. Prigent, A., & Revel, A. (2017). CITE-Content Interaction Time and spacE: a hybrid approach to model man-robot interaction for deployment in museums. In EAI Endorsed Trans. Creative Technologies (Vol. 4, Numéro 13, p. 5).
  4. Hind Idrissi, Arnaud Revel and El Mamoun Souidi (2016). « Security of Mobile Agent Platforms using RBAC based on Dynamic Role Assignment « . International Journal of Security and Its Applications, 10(4), 117-134.
  5. Improvement of natural image search engines results by emotional filtering – Patrice Denis, Vincent Courboulay, Arnaud Revel, Syntyche Gbehounou, François Lecellier, Christine Fernandez-Maloigne – 2016/2/1 – EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies
  6. Mobile Agent Security Using ID-Based Agreement Protocol and Binary Serialization – Hind Idrissi · El Mamoun Souidi · Arnaud Revel – International Journal of Security and its Applications 05/2015; 9(5):19-30. DOI:10.14257/ijseia.2015.9.5.02
  7. D. Picard, A. Revel, M. Cord, An application of swarm intelligence to distributed image retrieval, Information Sciences, Juin 2012
  8. A.Revel and P.Andry. Emergence of structured interactions : from a theoretical model to pragmatic robotics. Neural Networks, 22(2) :116–125, March 2009.
  9. D. Picard, M. Cord, and A. Revel. Image retrieval over networks : Active learning using ant algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 10(7) :1356–1365, 2008.
  10. K.Prepin and A.Revel. Human-machine interaction as a model of machine-machine interaction : how to make machines interact as humans do. Advanced Robotics, 21(15) :1709–1723, 2007.
  11. J.-P. Banquet, Ph. Gaussier, M. Quoy, Arnaud Revel, and Y. Burnod. A hierarchy of associations in hippocampo-cortical systems : Cognitive maps and navigation strategies. Neural Computation, 17(6) :1339–1384, June 2005.
  12. J. Nadel, A. Revel, P. Andry, and P. Gaussier. Toward communication : First imitations in infants, low-functioning children with autism and robots. Interaction Studies, 5(1) :45–74, 2004.
  13. Gaussier, A. Revel, J.P. Banquet, and V. Babeau. From view cells and place cells to cognitive map learning : processing stages of the hippocampal system. Biological Cybernetics, 86(1) :15–28, 2002.
  14. J.-P. Banquet, Ph. Gaussier, M. Quoy, and Arnaud Revel. From reflex to planning : multimodal, versatile, complex systems in biorobotics. commentary on b.webb : Can robots make good models of biological behaviour ? Behavioural Brain Science, 24(6) :1051–1053, 2001.
  15. Gaussier P., Joulain C., Banquet J.P., Leprêtre S., and Revel A. The visual homing problem : An example of robotics/biology cross fertilization. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 30 :155–180, 2000.
  16. P. Gaussier, C. Joulain, J.P. Banquet, A. Revel, S. Leprêtre, and S. Moga. A neural architecture for autonomous learning. Industrial Robot, 26(1) :33–38, 1999.
  17. Gaussier, A. Revel, C. Joulain, and S. Zrehen. Living in a partially structured environment : How to bypass the limitation of classical reinforcement techniques. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 20 :225–250, 1997.


Arnaud Revel

Professeur des universités au laboratoire L3I


Pôle Sciences & Technologies,
Université de La Rochelle,
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