

  1. Mondou, D., Prigent, A., & Revel, A. (2019). CELTIC/EDAIN: une approche de modélisation et de supervision d’expériences interactives. Conférence Nationale en Intelligence Artificielle, Juillet 2019, Toulouse, France


  1. Mondou, D., Prigent, A., & Revel, A. (2017). A dynamic scenario by remote supervision : A serious game in the museum with a Nao robot. In International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment (p. 103–116).
  2. Lopez, S., Revel, A., Lingrand, D., & Precioso, F. (2017). Handling noisy labels in gaze-based CBIR system. In International Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems


  1. Hind Idrissi, Mohammed Ennahbaoui, El Mamoun Souidi, Said El Hajji and Arnaud Revel (2016). « Secure and Flexible RBAC Scheme Using Mobile Agents ». In Proceedings of the Mediterranean Conference on Information and Communication Technologies 2015 (pp. 447-455). Springer International Publishing.
  2. Catching Relevance in One Glimpse: Food or Not Food?
    S Lopez, A Revel, D Lingrand, F Precioso, V Dusaucy, A Giboin
    2016/6/7 Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces – 324-325 – ACM
  3. Gestion adaptative des contenus numériques – Damien Mondou, Armelle Prigent, Arnaud Revel – 2016/5/31 – INFORSID – 25-28
  4. Mondou, D., Prigent, A., Revel, A., & Rempulski, N. (2016). Towards a hybrid approach for supervising interactive adaptive systems.  MOVEP, Gênes, Italie, Jun 2016
  5. Rojas-Castro, D. M., Revel, A., & Ménard, M. (2016). Robotic and document analysis cross-fertilization : Improving place cells based robot navigation. In 2016 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision
  6. Castro, D. M. R., Revel, A., & Ménard, M. (2016). Artificial Neural Network-Based Control Architecture : A Simultaneous Top-down and Bottom-up Approach to Autonomous Robot Navigation. ICANN 2016 Artificial Neural Networks and Maching Learning.
  7. Dao, N. B., Eskenazi, S., Bertet, K., & Revel, A. (2016). A fuzzy precedence graph definition for algebra-based dimension reduction. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE) (p. 1826–1833).


  1. Hind Idrissi, Mohammed Ennahbaoui, El Mamoun Souidi and Said El Hajji (2015). « Mobile Agents with Cryptographic Traces For Intrusion Detection in the Cloud Computing ». Procedia Computer Science, 73, 179-186.
  2. Mohammed Ennahbaoui, Hind Idrissi and Said El Hajji (2015, November). « Secure and flexible grid computing based intrusion detection system using mobile agents and cryptographic traces ». In Innovations in Information Technology (IIT), 2015 11th International Conference on (pp. 314-319). IEEE.
  3. Hind Idrissi, El Mamoun Souidi and Arnaud Revel (2015). « Security of Mobile Agent Platforms Using Access Control and Cryptography ». In Agent and Multi-Agent Systems : Technologies and Applications (pp. 27-39). Springer International Publishing.
  4. One gaze is worth ten thousand (key-) words – Stephanie Lopez, Arnaud Revel, Diane Lingrand, Frederic Precioso – 2015/9/27
    Image Processing (ICIP), 2015 IEEE International Conference on
    3150-3154 – IEEE
  5. A CBIR-based evaluation framework for visual attention models
    Dounia Awad, Matei Mancas, Nicolas Riche, Vincent Courboulay, Arnaud Revel – 2015/8/31 – Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2015 23rd European – 1526-1530 – IEEE


  1. A new hybrid texture-perceptual descriptor: application CBIR
    D Awad, V Courboulay, A Revel
    Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2014 22nd International Conference on, 1150-1155
  2. Réduction de l’espace de recherche pour les personnages de bandes dessinées
    C Guérin, C Rigaud, K Bertet, JC Burie, A Revel, JM Ogier
    Reconnaissance de Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA) 2014
  3. Idrissi, H., Revel, A., & Souidi, E. M. (2014). A New Approach based on Cryptography and XML Serialization for Mobile Agent Security. In B. Duval, H. J. van den Herik, S. Loiseau, & J. Filipe (Eds.), ICAART 2014 – Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 1, ESEO, Angers, Loire Valley, France, 6-8 March, 2014 (pp. 403–411). SciTePress.
  4. Idrissi, H., Ennahbaoui, M., Souidi, E.-M., Revel, A., & Elhajji, S (2014). Access control using mobile agents. In 2014 International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS) (pp. 1216–1221).


  1. An efficient Java implementation of the immediate successors calculation – C Guérin, K Bertet, A Revel – Concept Lattices and their Applications, 81-92
  2. eBDtheque: a representative database of comics – Clément Guerin, Christophe Rigaud, Aurelien Mercier, Farid Ammar-Boudjelal, Karell Bertet, Alain Bouju, Jean-Christophe Burie, Georges Louis, Jean-Marc Ogier, Arnaud Revel –
     (ICDAR), 2013 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition – 1145-1149


  1. C.Guérin,; Bertet, K. & Revel, A. An approach to Semantic Content Based Image Retrieval using Logical Concept Analysis. Application to comicbooks. European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Workshop « What can FCA do for AI? », 2012, 53-56


    1. D. Picard, A. Revel, and M. Cord. Image retrieval over networks : Ant algorithm for long term active learning. In CBMI 2008, 6th International Workshop on Content Based Multimedia Indexing, June, 18-20th 2008, London,UK, jun 2008.

  1. D. Picard, M. Cord, and A. Revel. Long term learning for image retrieval over networks. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 08), San Diego, CA, USA, oct 2008.


    1. K. Prepin, M.Simon, A-.S. Mahé, A.Revel, and J.Nadel. Modelling and testing the effects of a maternal mismatch of face and voice on 6-month-olds interactions. In F.Kaplan, P-.Y. Oudeyer, A.Revel, P.Gaussier, J.Nadel, L.Berthouze, H.Kozima, C.G.Prince, and C.Balkenius, editors, Epige- netic Robotics’06, pages 143–151. Lund University Cognitive Studies, 2006.

    1. David Picard, Arnaud Revel, and M. Cord. Performances of mobile-agents for interactive image retrieval. In 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 06), pages 581–586. IEEE Computer Society, dec 2006.

    1. David Picard, M. Cord, and Arnaud Revel. Cbir in distributed databases using a multi-agent sys- tem. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’06), 2006.

    1. P.Andry and A.Revel. Modeling synchrony for perception-action systems coupling. In F.Kaplan, P-.Y. Oudeyer, A.Revel, P.Gaussier, J.Nadel, L.Berthouze, H.Kozima, C.G.Prince, and C.Balkenius, editors, Epigenetic Robotics’06, page 163. Lund University Cognitive Studies, 2006.

  1. P. Andry and Arnaud Revel. Autonomous synchronisation of two perception-action systems : A minimal stable interaction in the perspective of bootstraping turn-taking. In Epigenetic Robotics, pages 163–164. lund university Cognitive Studies, 2006.


    1. Arnaud Revel, David Picard, and M. Cord. Ant-like mobile agents for content-based image re- trieval in distributed databases. In In proc. workshop Machine Learning Techniques for Processing Multimedia Content, Bonn, Germany, 2005.

    1. Arnaud Revel. From robots to web-agents : Building cognitive software agents for web-information retrieval by taking inspiration from experience in robotics. In ACM International conference on Web Intelligence (WIC), Université Technologique de Compiègne, Compiègne, France, Septembre 2005.

    1. K. Prepin, Ph. Gaussier, Arnaud Revel, and J. Nadel. A formal approach of developmental robotics and psychology : application to the study of joint attention architecture. In Epigenetic Robotics, 2005.

    1. J. Nadel and A. Revel. Developing a sense of agency : its relationship with imitation recognition and self movement-recognition in persons with autism. In Internationl Society for Research in Child Development, page 398, Atlanta, April 2005.

  1. Guillaume Libert, Arnaud Revel, and J. Nadel. The development of a sense of agency : its relationship with imitation recognition in typical children and persons with autism. In Society for Research in Child Development, 2005.


    1. A. Revel. Web-agents inspired by ethology : a population of “ant”-like agents to help finding user- oriented information. In IEEE WIC’2003 : International Conference on Web Intelligence., pages 482–485, Halifax, Canada, October 2003. IEEE, IEEE Computer Society.

    1. J. Nadel and A. Revel. Development of imitation in humans and robots. In AISB’03 second international symposium on imitation in animals and artifacts, pages 120–124, Aberysthwyth, Wales, 2003.

  1. P. Gaussier, P. Andry, J-.P. Banquet, M. Quoy, J. Nadel, and A. Revel. Robots as models of the brain : What can we learn from modelling rat navigation and infant imitation games? In Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 9th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine in Europe, AIME 2003, Protaras, Cyprus, October 18-22, 2003, Proceedings, volume 2780 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 377–386, Protaras, Cyprus, October 2003. Springer. 0.76 Ranking.


    1. Arnaud Revel, Jacqueline Nadel, Marie Maurer, and Pierre Canet. VE : a tool for testing imitative capacities of low-functioning children with autism. In J. Nadel and A. Revel, editors, 2nd workshop on Robotic and Virtual Interactive Systems in Therapy of autism and other psychopathological disorders, 2002.

    1. J.P. Banquet, P. Gaussier, M. Quoy, A. Revel, and Y. Burnod. Place cells, maps and navigation strategies : Processing steps of the cortico-hipppocampal system. In International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Honolulu, Hawa ̈ı, May 2002.

  1. J.P. Banquet, P. Gaussier, M. Quoy, A. Revel, and Y. Burnod. From animals to animats 7, chapter Cortico-Hippocampal Maps and Navigation Strategies in Robots and Rodents, pages 141–150. MIT Press, Boston, 2002.


    1. J. Nadel, C. Potier, P. Andry, and A. Revel. Imitation and imitation recognition : powerful tools for non verbal communication. In Tenth ECDP, page 75, Uppsala, Sweden, August 2001.

    1. J.P. Banquet, P. Gaussier, A. Revel, S. Moga, and Y. Burnod. Sequence learning and timing in hippocampus, prefrontal cortex and accumbens. In International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, pages 1053–1058, Washington, DC, July 2001. 0.76 Ranking.

  1. P. Andry and A. Revel. What can roboticists get from imitation ? In Xth Conference on Develop- mental Psychology, ECDP01, Uppsala Sweden, August 2001.


    1. M. Quoy, S. Moga, P. Gaussier, and A. Revel. Parallelization of neural networks using pvm. In J. Dongarra, P. Kacsuk, and N. Podhorszki, editors, Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface, number 1908 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 289–296, Berlin, 2000. Springer.

    1. M. Quoy, P. Gaussier, S. Lepretre, A. Revel, and JP. Banquet. A planning map for mobile robots : Speed control and paths finding in a changing environment. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, (1812) :103–119, 2000.

    1. J-.P. Banquet, P. Gaussier, A. Revel, S. Leprˆetre, S. Moga, M. Quoy, and Yves Burnod. Guided navigation as implemented by a mobile agent. In Taatgen and J. Aasman, editors, International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, pages 25–32, Groningen, 2000.

    1. J-.P. Banquet, Y. Burnod, P. Gaussier, and A. Revel. A hippocampal model of visually guided navigation as implemented by a mobile agent. In International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN’00), volume 2, page 2041, Como, Italy, July 2000.

    1. V. Babeau, P.Gaussier, C.Joulain, A.Revel, and J.P. Banquet. Merging visual place recognition and path integration for cognitive map learning. In SAB2000, pages 101–110, Paris France, Septembre 2000.

  1. P. Andry, S. Moga, P.Gaussier, A. Revel, and J. Nadel. Imitation : learning and communication. In J. A. Meyer, A. Berthoz, D. Floreano, H. Roitblat, and S. Wilson, editors, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, pages 353–362, Paris, 2000. The MIT Press.


    1. A. Revel, P. Gaussier, and J.P. Banquet. Taking inspiration from the hippocampus can help solving robotics problems. In European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Bruges, Belgium, April 1999. IEEE.

    1. M. Quoy, P. Gaussier, S. Leprêtre, A. Revel, C. Joulain, and J.P. Banquet. A neural model for the visual navigation and planning of a mobile robot. In D. Floreano, J.D. Nicoud, and F. Mondada, editors, European Conference on Artificial Life, volume 1674, pages 319–323, Lausanne, 1999. 0.53 Ranking.

    1. M. Quoy, P. Gaussier, S. Leprêtre, A. Revel, C. Joulain, and J-.P. Banquet. A planning map for mobile robots : speed control and paths finding in a changing environment. In 8th European Workshop on Learning Robots : Advances in Robot Learning, Lausanne, 1999.

    1. M. Quoy, P. Gaussier, S. Leprêtre, and A. Revel. A neural model for the visual navigation and planning of a mobile robot. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, (1674) :319–323, 1999.

  1. P. Gaussier, A. Revel, and J.P. Banquet. From view cells and place cells to cognitive maps learning : The hippocampus as a spatio-temporal memory. In Mallot, editor, Navigation in Biological and Artificial Systems, TU ̈bingen, Germany, 1999. Max-Planck-Institut für biologische Kybernetik.


    1. A. Revel, P. Gaussier, S. Lepretre, and J.P. Banquet. From animals to animats 5. pages 129–138. MIT Press, 1998.

  1. P. Gaussier, S. Leprˆetre, C. Joulain, A. Revel, M. Quoy, and JP. Banquet. Animal and robot learning : experiments and models about visual navigation. In Seventh European Workshop on Learning Robots, Edinburgh, UK, 1998.


    1. C. Joulain, P. Gaussier, and A. Revel. Learning to build categories from perception-action as- sociations. In International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems – IROS’97, pages 31–34, Grenoble, France, September 1997. IEEE/RSJ.

    1. P. Gaussier, C. Joulain, S. Zrehen, J.P. Banquet, and A. Revel. Visual navigation in an open en- vironement without map. In International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems – IROS’97, pages 545–550, Grenoble, France, September 1997. IEEE/RSJ.

    1. P. Gaussier, C. Joulain, S. Moga, M. Quoy, and A. Revel. Autonomous robot learning : What can we take for free ? In International Symposium on Industrial Electronics – ISIE’97, pages SS1–SS6, Gumaraes, Portugal, July 1997. IEEE.

    1. P. Gaussier, J.P. Banquet, C. Joulain, A. Revel, and S. Zrehen. Validation of a hippocampal model on a mobile robot. In Vision, Recognition, Action : Neural Models of Mind and Machine, Boston, Massachusetts, 1997.

  1. J.P. Banquet, P. Gaussier, C. Joulain, and A. Revel. Temporo-spatial sequence learning in the hippocampal system : A neural network model. In Vision, Recognition, Action : Neural Models of Mind and Machine, Boston, Massachusetts, May 1997.


    1. M. Quoy, P. Gaussier, C. Joulain, and A. Revel. Dynamics of cortical maps coding objects for robot vision. In Dynamics of Neural Networks, DYNN’96, Toulouse, mars 1996.

    1. P. Gaussier, C. Joulain, A. Revel, and J.P. Cocquerez. How action allows to segregate objects in a visual scene. In B. Dresp and C. Bonnet, editors, European Conference on Visual Perception, ECVP’96, Strasbourg, September 1996. Congres Pasteur.

  1. P. Gaussier, C. Joulain, A. Revel, and J.P. Banquet. Are shaping techniques the correct answer for the control of visually guided autonomous robots? In UKACC International Conference on Control’96, pages 1248–1253, University of Exeter, September 1996. IEE.


  1. A. Revel and P. Gaussier. A probabilistic learning rule for time delayed conditioning. In R. Pfeifer, editor, Practice and future of Autonomous Agents, ASI-AA’95, Monte Verita, Ticino, Switzerland, 1995.