Antoine Doucet - Students

Supervised Students

PhD students

  • Supervisor of Chloé Artaud, co-supervised with Jean-Marc Ogier since 2015, "Document fraud detection combining image features and text semantics" (co-sponsors: French Ministry of Defense (DGA) and regional council of Poitou-Charentes).
  • Supervisor of Paul Martin, co-supervised with Frédéric Jurie and Marc Spaniol since 2012, "Photograph Time-Stamping based on Text and Image Features for Temporal Image Retrieval" (sponsor: region of Lower-Normandy).
  • Supervisor of Ilona Nawrot, co-supervised with Henryk Jan Runka, Poznań University of Economics, since 2012, "Temporal and Multilingual Text Analysis" (sponsor: Polish government and Eiffel excellence scholarship from the French ministry of foreign affairs).
  • Supervisor of Gaël Lejeune, co-supervised by Nadine Lucas (2010-2013), "Multilingual Epidemic Surveillance from News Data" (sponsor: French Ministry of Superior Education and Research), Defended on 16 October 2013.

Master students

  • Gaël Lejeune (2010), co-supervised with Nadine Lucas on "Multilingual Epidemic Surveillance from News Data" (continued as a Ph.D. student).
  • Liu Zhe (2010), on "Supervised Learning of in- and out-Links in an online Encyclopedia".
  • Chen Chen (2010), on "Information Retrieval from Digitized Book Collections".
  • Mohammed Hatmi (2009), co-supervised with Nadine Lucas on "Multilingual Epidemic Surveillance".

Participation to other PhD committees

  • Sebastiao Pais, "Asymmetric Distributional Similarity Measures to Recognize Textual Entailment by Generality", École nationale supérieure des Mines de Paris (Mines ParisTech), 6 December 2013. Reviewer.
  • Rumen Moraliyski, "Discovery of Word Relations based on Sentential Context Analysis", University of Beira Interior, Portugal, 22 February 2013. Main examiner.