MIA lab. EA 3165
Computer Science department
La Rochelle University
Avenue Michel Crépeau
17042 La Rochelle, France
Computer Science department
La Rochelle University
Avenue Michel Crépeau
17042 La Rochelle, France
- Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (2019). More infos: here
- PhD in Signal and Image processing from MINES ParisTech (2003)
- Engineering Degree in Physics and Image Processing from Telecom Physique Strasbourg (2000)
- MSc in Photonics and Image from the University of Strasbourg, France (2000)
Professional appointments
- Invited scholar at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), Jan.-Aug. 2013.
- Associate Professor, University of La Rochelle, MIA lab. (France), 2005 to present.
- Postdoctoral ERCIM Research Fellow at the Center for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (SZTAKI, Budapest, Hungary), 2004-2005.
- PhD student at MINES ParisTech - Sophia Antipolis (France), 2000-2003.
- MSc research project at INRIA/IRISA Rennes (France), 2000.
Chair and organizer
- General chair for the International Conference on Content Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2018) in La Rochelle;
- General co-chair for the International Conference on Content Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2019) in Dublin;
- Overall coordinator of the ImageCLEF - the cross-language image retrieval track in CLEF 2018-2019 and CLEF 2019-2020;
- Co-organizer of the Sport Video Classification Task @ MediaEval Benchmarking Initiative for Multimedia Evaluation 2018-2019 and 2019-2020.
Conference Technical Program Committe
- ACM International Conference on Multimedia - MM 2019 and 2020;
- International Conference on Pattern Recognition ICPR 2015, 2016, 2018 and 2020;
- International Confrence on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing - CBMI 2020;
- ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval - ICMR 2015;
- IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (IEEE ISM) 2015, 2017 and 2019.
Grants and fundings
- CRISP: Computer Vision for Sport Performance (projet Région Nouvelle Aquitaine). PI: R. Péteri
- TAbaSCO: Analyse de trajectoires sémantiques dans l’espace des paramètres des lois multinomiales : application à l’étude de la corrosion dans les métaux (projet exploratoire interdisciplinaire GDR ISIS). PI: R. Péteri
- IMPORTEX Image, milieux poreux et textures (Défis interdisciplinaires 2013 CNRS : NEEDS Nucléaire, Énergie, Environnement, Déchets et Société). PI: M. Berthier
- Grant ONR N00014-09-1-0493 : Multidimensional Image Processing and Pattern Recognition: A Theoretical Approach with Clifford Algebras and Lie Groups. PI: M. Berthier. 2009-2011.
- MUSCLE NoE (European Network of Excellence). 2004 - 2008
Supervising activites
Current Students
- Zaineb CHIHA (PhD Univ. La Rochelle 2022-2025 co-supervised with Laurent Mascarilla, MIA Univ. La Rochelle)
Former students
- Jordan Calandre (PhD Univ. La Rochelle 2018-2022 co-supervised with Laurent Mascarilla, MIA Univ. La Rochelle)
- Pierre-Etienne Martin (PhD Univ. Bordeaux 2017-2020 co-supervised with J. Benois-Pineau, LABRI Univ. Bordeaux), now at Max Planck Institute, Leipzig
- Cyrille Beaudry (PhD Univ. La Rochelle 2012-2015) with Laurent Mascarilla, now CEO EXPProd
- Minh-Phuong Tran (PhD Univ. Orléans 2009-2012, with M. Bergounioux, now post-doc with Habib Ammari at ENS ULM, Paris)
- Sloven Dubois (PhD Univ. La Rochelle 2007-2010, with M. Ménard, L3i Univ. La Rochelle, post-doc with Olivier Alata at Telecom Saint-Etienne)