Muriel Visani |
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Associate Professor Ph.D. of the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) de Lyon Diriger des Recherches (HDR) in december 2014, I am currently the director of one PhD thesis. From 2007 to 2014, I was the co-leader of a L3i research team (IMEDOC, then IDDC). Since 2015, after 8 years of collaboration with Vietnamese and French researchers in Hanoï, Vietnam, I participated in the creation of the Vietnam-France ICT Lab, of which I am currently a vice-director (in addition to my affiliation to the L3i laboratory). My research is mainly focused on image analysis, pattern recognition and machine learning, possibly with user interaction. As a proof of my competence in my field, I was granted for 4 years in 2011 and in 2015 the PES (Prime d'Excellence Scientifique, now PEDR), with grade A. My work was published in 8 international journals (among which IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics, Pattern Recognition Letters, Pattern Analysis and Applications, etc.), 2 francophone journals, 2 book chapters, 28 international conferences, 7 francophone conferences and 1 international patent. Since 2015, I am a member of the Conseil National des Universites (CNU 27). Additionally, I am an active (elected) member of the governing boards (conseils d'administration) of the French Association for Pattern Recognition: "AFRIF" (elected two times since 2010) and of the French Research Group on Written Communications: "GRCE" (elected in 2012). At the international scale, I am the Area Chair for the international conference ACM Multimedia 2016 (CORE A*) for the Multimedia Search and Recommendation Area ; I am also one of the three workshop co-chairs of the International Workshop on Pattern Recognition for Multimedia Content Analysis organized by the Vietnamese Association for Pattern Recognition (PR4MCA 2015, 2016) and I served as a member of Program Committees for 21 editions of 7 conferences, and as a member of Technical Program Comittees (reviewer) for numerous conferences, e.g. ICPR 2016. I am also a member of the Editorial Board of the international journal "Frontiers in Digital Humanities - Cultural Heritage Digitization". I have multiple national and international collaborations (having given rise to joint publications and research stays) in Europe, Canada and South-East Asia. At a regional scale, I am working in particular with XLIM (Poitiers) and LaBRI (Bordeaux). I have been - or I am currently - involved in 10 research projects / programs, 4 of which I am the Principal Investigator (PI). Among the 6 projects I participated in, there are 2 ANR projects (NAVIDOMASS and DIGIDOC) and 2 projects led in collaboration with industrial partners (Eurêka Reconomad and FUI Mobidem). Among the 4 projects / programs I am the PI of, there is 1 research program funded by the French Embassy in Hanoï for the creation of Vietnam-France ICTLab, 1 research project funded by CNRS via GdR ISIS and 1 project funded by the regional CNRS federation MIRES. For more information, ![]() 2014: Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR)
of the University of La Rochelle. 2002:
2006-now: Associate
at the University of La Rochelle, FRANCE 2005 - 2006: Assistant professor (ATER) at the Applied Statistics Laboratory of the University of South Britanny, France 2002 - 2005:
2002: Master Degree research training period (5 months) in collaboration with the Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse and Air Languedoc-Roussillon, under the supervision of Philippe Besse (Professor, Mathematics Institute of Toulouse).
To contact me: muriel.visani at |